Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 167: Hanging around.

 For some reason the flying foxes of Cairns want to brush up on their knowledge.  They hang out in the trees around the library in their hundreds.  As I was pointing the lens skyward today, I was really hoping I wasn’t going to get an extra blessing from above in the form of…well you know what I mean.  I’m happy to report didn’t have to come home and have a shower.  Or change clothes.  These guys are known as Spectacled Flying Fox, and are on the endangered list, although I have to say they are doing a pretty good job at numbers around the library at the moment.  When they eat they actually pollinate as they feed and disperse seed as they move through the rainforest, one of nature’s circle of life.  I read a statistic that it is estimated they disperse up to 60,000 seeds in one night.  I have to say I’m glad I’m not that person that collected those stats, amazing as it sounds!

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