Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 123: Silverton NSW

Named Hollywood of the outback, a few movies have been made out on her Mundi Mundi plans (usually red dirt but at this stage of the game with all the rain, are a vibrant green – go figure) and lively township backdrop of sandstone buildings.  The big hits like Mad Max 2 & 3, Razorback, A Town Like Alice,  are just a few movies made here, as well as numerous TV shows, and commercials (popular with XXXX beer commercials).  It had a population of 3,000 in its hay day back in 1885, and now it serves as a tourist town, has two galleries, a very famous outback pub, with a hot V8 car parked out the front.    Silverton still has two churches standing the Methodist, which was originally built by Presbyterian in 1885 but the Methodist following was stronger so it was latter happily sold when Methodist Church was destroyed by a gale.  St Carthage Catholic Church was completed in 1886, and is the higher one on the hill. 

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