Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One day to will all begin again :)

I really can't believe it has come around so fast.  I was counting down the days then BAM, Dday is tomorrow; 5  April 2012.  The beginning of a new year through the lens.  So let me brush you up on the rules of 'A Year Through the Lens'.  I have to take a photo each day, no matter where I am and what I am doing.  Post it, when possible.  Not all the places I will be will have access to the web; yes I know it is hard to believe but there are still some places like that exist, and they are amazing. 

So sit back and enjoy the ride.  This year to start off with at the end of the month be heading to the Victorian High Country and chilling around the outskirts of Melbourne, July heading back to China for the Bring Me Hope camp, plus a couple of days in Honkers, September off on a car rally of the Red Centre of Australia, and right at the end of the year heading to Myanmar (Burma) which is very exciting.  Of course there will be lots of 'local' Cairns scenes to get you to come and see a great part of Australia, and a bit of abstract stuff thrown in along the way.  Who knows what will turn up this year, but then again that is all part of the adventure.


Kind regards
Michele :)

PS:  Something to get you starting, this was taken when we were visiting Vietnam a really magical place that definitely has to go on the bucket list of travel.

Halong Bay
In the far north of Vietnam, off the coast lies the pearls left behind by a dragon.  Left dormant over thousands of years they have formed into limestone mountains; jagged edges protruding from the sea to form the spiritual wonder of Halong Bay.  Junk boats weave in and out of the mountains on the calm oceans at sunset.  While fisherman earn their living casting nets and lines.  Taking back the catch of the day to their floating villages.  Whole cities on water, children born with sea legs.  Vietnam has many wonders and is one of my favourite countries visited thus far.  It is definitely one to add to your bucket list of travels.

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