Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 330 – Summer days drifting away.

  Officially it is the last day of summer today.  Although the heat and humidity have as yet to leave the building.  The memo has not been read yet that summer is at an end.  The raindrops made a brief appearance today.  Hitting the pavements.  Leaving the steam to rise from the heat of the ground once again.  Magic of the tropics, where summer lasts a wee bit longer. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 329 – Peaks and troughs.

 A lot of crazy people I know are in the midst of training for the Ironman and half Ironman to be held in Cairns come 9th June.   Be it teams or individuals.  The full on training started back at the start of January.  Many KMs’ have been chalked up on the bike, running and swimming.  There will be many more to come before it ends.  Along the way; peaks, troughs have been reached.  Even a few cracks starting to appear.  It’s all part of the adventure; so I’m told.  So here is to more peaks on this tricky road, then troughs.  May your training days be awesome, and when you want to crawl up in a ball and cry, from sheer exhaustion that’s ok too.  Most of all enjoy and cherish the small achievements happening each day, to get to the BIG end. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 328 – Waiting.

 While we wait for the rain.  Some of mother nature’s wonders are waiting for something else to happen.  Nestled in the reeds of the freshwater lakes in town.  Mother Magpie Goose sits on her golden egg, waiting for the joy of young ones running around.  They can actually lay up to 16 eggs, average 8 eggs.  Now that is some instant family. :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 327 – On the lookout.

 Beautiful Torres Strait Pigeons have been flying around for the past couple of months.  Checking out the scenery down on the Cape from their usual habitat in the Torres Straits.  Creating new families, catching up to old friends, checking out new homes. High in the trees they are always on the lookout for those bright palm berries to munch on for afternoon tea with friends. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 326 – Marina Twilight.

   The fat rain is still eluding the coast around Cairns.  A sprinkle fell this afternoon, only to leave the clouds getting bigger, and ready to burst again.  Yet they floated across the seas to visit someone else.  The reef boats have been put to bed ready for another amazing day on the reef tomorrow.  The water is like a tropical bath, and water clear.  So jump right into new week approaching and have a great one. :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 325 – Layers.

Trinity Beach - Far North Queensland
  The sun may not have been seen for the clouds at sunrise this morning.  In place, incredible layers were forming above the sea; in their own form of “Fifty Shades”.  A pinch of light trying to break through.  Half an hour later the wind joined the party, and the waves lapped the shore.  With a splash of rain to add to the mix.  The fat rain of the wet season is really trying its best to come to Cairns; in the meantime love just watching these amazing layers forming in the sky.